Centre stage

Centre stage 2017-05-30T10:05:44+02:00

Hoppe Residential Flats in Temse

DCA recently started work on a brand-new housing project in Steendonk, a suburb of Temse and a stone’s throw from the Scheldt. Hoppe Residential Flats is a residential project with 38 flats, each bathed in light with its own spacious terrace. Main contractor DCA called on COMETAL to supply the formwork for the basement section.

September 9th, 2019|Categories: Centre stage|

Serrenhof residential care campus in Sint-Truiden

On the Viaductstraat in Sint-Truiden, Orelia is building Serrenhof, a residential care campus that will replace the current residential care centres, La Madrugada and Laurentius. This new construction, which comprises a residential care centre and certified service flats, will provide homes to more than 100 residents by the end of 2019.

October 28th, 2018|Categories: Centre stage|

Crematorium to open its doors in Lommel in 2018

After a loved one has passed away, residents of Lommel can now opt to have them cremated locally, instead of having to travel to Turnhout, Hasselt or even the Netherlands for this service, which is also often coupled with long waiting times. In other words, until now, there have been quite a few practical obstacles to overcome, something the city has been eager to change. Together with six other municipalities, Lommel has decided to build a crematorium in the region.

May 9th, 2017|Categories: Centre stage|

EBS expansion of closed storage capacity, Laurenshaven, Rotterdam

In the summer of 2016, work commenced in Laurenshaven in Rotterdam to expand the closed storage capacity. European Bulk Services BV is the client that ordered this warehouse. The construction of this warehouse will provide EBS with additional storage capacity of no less than 60 000 m³.

April 21st, 2017|Categories: Centre stage|


Universeel loopplatform

June 21st, 2012|0 Comments

Het universeel loopplatform is een veiligheidsvoorziening die bestaat uit een beveiligde toegang en beveiligde werkconsole om bekistingswerken op hoogte uit te voeren.